1939 February 27 - The Supreme Court rules that sit-down strikes are unconstitutional. April 30 - Public television broadcast is begun in the U.S. April 30 - The New York World's Fair opens. May 9 - The first Catholic beatification of an American Indian, Kateri Tekakwitha, takes place. May 20 - Pan American Airlines open regular flights between the U.S. and Europe. June 7 - The first King and Queen of England to visit the U.S. are King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain. June 22 - The first U.S. National Water Ski tournament is held at Jones Beach, New York. July 22 - J. M. Bolin becomes the first female African American judge to be appointed in New York City. November 13 - Henry Jeffers demonstrates his invention, the rotolactor, a rotating milking machine. December 24 - The first offset printed daily newspaper, The World in Opelousas, Louisiana begins publication.